Panama travel itineraries
From your base at Canopy Tower enjoy the richness of the world-famous Pipeline Road - 385 species of birds in 24-hours in December 1985 says it all. We will be looking for the stunning Golden-collared Manakin and Ocellated Antbird in this pristine Central American rain forest.
Showing all 8 results
Canopy Camp, Darien, Birdwatching Tour (8 days) P126
Imposing Harpy & Crested Eagles – stunning Hummingbirds, Manakins and Wrens
Location: PanamaRead more -
Canopy Lodge Birdwatching Tour (8 days) P125
Stunning Motmots, skulking Antpittas and Antthrushes and the endemic Veraguan Mango await
Location: PanamaRead more -
Canopy Tower, Panama (8 days + ext. available) P122
Awake to calling Tinamous, see raptors at eye-level, gorgeous owls and much more
Location: PanamaRead more -
Central and West Panama Birding Tour (12/13days + ext. available) P127
Colourful cotingas centre stage and western hummingbird specials near Costa Rican border
Location: PanamaRead more -
Darien for Harpy and Crested Eagle and Highlands Panama Birding Tour (12 days) P139
Harpy and Crested Eagles – Resplendent Quetzal and many range-restricted species await!
Location: PanamaRead more -
East and West Panama Birding Tour (12/13 days + ext. available) P129
Harpy Eagle – master of the eastern canopy, colourful Manakins & Trogons.
Location: PanamaRead more -
Panama Birdwatching Tour (15 days) P121
Colourful Manakins & Trogons, shy Ground-Cuckoos, cryptic Potoos & the endemic Veraguan Mango
Location: PanamaRead more -
Tamarin Tour with mammals focus (10 days) P124
Wake to the calls of Mantled Howlers, see bizarre tree-dwelling Rochschild’s Porcupine and more!
Please enquire for 2020 and beyond
Location: PanamaRead more