Birdwatching holidays
Showing 1–16 of 36 results
Amazing Rajasthan’s Birds & Tigers Tour (14 days) BT172
Great value tour – Tiger, Owls, Crocs, Skimmers, and more. Like so many, ideal for photographers.
Location: IndiaRead more -
Amazon Wildlife Adventure (11 days) E122
Immerse yourself in the essence of Amazonia with this astounding tour to the world’s largest rain forest
Location: EcuadorRead more -
Andes & Amazon forest birds & wildlife tour (16 days) E130
Antpittas, Antbirds, Manakins, Cotingas, Trogons – and mammals – of cloud and rain forests
Location: EcuadorRead more -
Andes East and West Slope & Amazon (18 days) E128
High Andes rarities including Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe to prehistoric-looking Hoatzins in the Amazon
Location: EcuadorRead more -
Andes; East slope great birding (10 days) E125
Fulful your childhood dream of watching Andean Condors soaring on thermals
Location: EcuadorRead more -
Bharatpur: Wetland Wonderland (9 days) B121
Elegant Storks, dazzling Kingfishers and Sunbirds – a birdwatchers & photographers dream location
Location: IndiaRead more -
Birding Himalaya – pheasants, forktails & more (13 days) B409
Exciting Himalayan species – monals, accentors, brightly coloured Bush Robins & more!
Location: IndiaRead more -
Birding Tour of the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan (18 days) BHU001
High altitude pheasants – sub-tropical forest specialties and more birding in Bhutan
Location: BhutanRead more -
Birdwatching, Taj Mahal & Tiger Tour (13 days) BT3
Bandhavgarh – Tiger haven with Hornbills & more, Taj Mahal and tremendous Bharatpur Birding
Location: IndiaRead more -
Bustards and Bushchats: Birding in Rajasthan (11 days) B406
Search for Great Indian Bustard and so much more in the arid lands of Rajasthan
Location: IndiaRead more -
Bustards and Bushchats: Birding in Rajasthan (9 days) B405
Search for Great Indian Bustard and so much more in the arid lands of Rajasthan
Location: IndiaRead more -
Canopy Camp, Darien, Birdwatching Tour (8 days) P126
Imposing Harpy & Crested Eagles – stunning Hummingbirds, Manakins and Wrens
Location: PanamaRead more -
Canopy Lodge Birdwatching Tour (8 days) P125
Stunning Motmots, skulking Antpittas and Antthrushes and the endemic Veraguan Mango await
Location: PanamaRead more -
Canopy Tower, Panama (8 days + ext. available) P122
Awake to calling Tinamous, see raptors at eye-level, gorgeous owls and much more
Location: PanamaRead more -
Central and West Panama Birding Tour (12/13days + ext. available) P127
Colourful cotingas centre stage and western hummingbird specials near Costa Rican border
Location: PanamaRead more -
Cranes, Storks, Vultures and Tigers Tour (13 days) BT165
Explore Panna and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves by jeep – discover Vulture culture – stare at Storks!
Location: IndiaRead more